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Certificates earned by Police Sgt Reginald Ruffles
Certificates earned by Police Sgt Reginald Ruffles
Tags: Certificate, police, Ruffles, SVA/1/210
The Cell Book 1902 to 1907
The Cell Book 1902 to 1907. Includes such crimes as 'Drunk in charge of a horse and cart' and 'Larceny of a dead pheasant.'
Tags: Alger, Balls, Barber, Bardwell, Calvert, Carter, cell book, Coe, Cook, crime, Cullum, Cunningham, Folkard, Francis, Gissing, Goodwin, Hill, Jachman, Jollly, Jolly, Knowles, Leftley, Loane, Mayhew, Mulley, police, Read, Roberts, Rogers, Rumsby, Rush, Ruth, Salter, Seales, Sheldrake, Short, SVA/11/93, Taylor, Vincent, Whatling, Woods, Wright
Transcription of a report concerning the murder of a child in 1851
Transcription of a report concerning the murder of a child in 1851
Gordon Nunn and Mike Readman in conversation with John Ruffles - part 2,3,4
In conversation with John Ruffles - part 2,3,4 (part 1 and 5 to follow)
John Ruffles is the son of Sgt. Ruffles the village policeman during WW2. Throughout the recording the cell book referred to is now with the Suffolk Records Office.
John Ruffles is the son of Sgt. Ruffles the village policeman during WW2. Throughout the recording the cell book referred to is now with the Suffolk Records Office.
Chief Inspector William Lewis Reeve 1968
Chief Inspector William Lewis Reeve 1968
page from the village Cell Book in which captured German Airmen are recorded dd 1942
Four German airmen were captured and held prisoners at Stradbroke police station 1942 - WW2. The cell book records that time. The cell book which opened in 1886 was found in a Stradbroke loft many years after the war.
WW1 Police Observation book 'Raids by hostile aircraft and men of war over East Suffolk' headed SECRET
WW1 Police Observation book 'Raids by hostile aircraft and men of war over East Suffolk' headed SECRET
Letter attached to Police Cell Book dd 1889 from the Home Office directing the constabulary on new rules regarding military deserters.
Letter attached to Police Cell Book dd 1889 from the Home Office directing the constabulary on new rules regarding military deserters.
The Cell Book for the village Police station - covering letter dd 1886
The Cell Book for the village Police station - covering letter dd 1886 in which instructions were given to the constable on how to keep the record of prisoners and an instruction to keep it neat and clean.
Police - PC Moore married Hilda Tilbrook 1931
Police - PC William A Moore married Hilda Tilbrook 1931. Hilda was born in Stradbroke to Harry and Lucy Tilbrook and lived at The Hempsheaf Public House in !911 at the time of the national census return.
Painter Hines in yard opposite the Police Station/Court House
Painter Hines in yard opposite the Police Station/Court House
Police Sergeant Ruffles retires.
The picture shows Sergeant Ruffles and his wife, Captain and Mrs Carter and Mr Jenner ( the new pc for Stradbroke), The photograph was taken at the back of 'Chantala' - bungalow in the Wilby Road. Sergeant Ruffles was Stradbroke's War time Policeman.
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Polling Day 1908 - Webb

Polling Day 1908. Celebration in Queen Street, outside today's Harvest Cottage. W139.