Browse Items (105 total)
- Collection: Public Services
1921 Cell Book
Tags: 1921, Book, Cell, SVA/11/110
Stradbroke poor.
Over time the responsibility for caring for the vulnerable members of the village has, very generally, gone from self, family, village and government. During the 1830's the village council, made up of the wealthier members of the…
Tags: poor, SVA/11/108, Union, workhouse
Stradbroke Cell Book 1914 to 1920
The original Cell Book is deposited with Suffolk Records Office, Ipswich. Entries may be viewed after 100years.
Tags: 1914, Cell, SVA/11/107
Transcript of a report on the trial of Letitia Newman
Marty Norris interview with Suffolk Radio
Tags: Conversation, Marty, Norris, Radio, Suffolk, SVA/11/105
Letter from Rev. Florance to the chairman of the Parish Council
Tags: charity, council, Florance, SVA/11/103, trust
Harold Grayson in Conversation:
Tags: Conversation, Grayson
Street Lighting
Tags: Doctors, lighting, Street, SVA/11/102
New World Pioneers from Stradbroke
newspaper article possibly Diss Express
Tags: Canada, emigration, hoxne, new world, pauper, Pursehouse, SVA/11/99, workhouse
Certificate of High Appreciation awarded to Harry Grayston - Royal Observer Corps. 1980
Benajah Bryant, notice of Bankrupcy
transcription - news Notice
Tags: 1863, bankruptcy, Bryant, school
The Cell Book 1902 to 1907
Tags: Alger, Balls, Barber, Bardwell, Calvert, Carter, cell book, Coe, Cook, crime, Cullum, Cunningham, Folkard, Francis, Gissing, Goodwin, Hill, Jachman, Jollly, Jolly, Knowles, Leftley, Loane, Mayhew, Mulley, police, Read, Roberts, Rogers, Rumsby, Rush, Ruth, Salter, Seales, Sheldrake, Short, SVA/11/93, Taylor, Vincent, Whatling, Woods, Wright
Retirement of firemen T Smith and W Pipe.
Tags: firemen, Pipe., Retirement, Smith, SVA/11/91
Legal agreement to supply water to the Village Pump dd 1818 for 500 years.
Transcription of part of a Petition to both Houses of Parliament by the governors of The Hoxne Union Workhouse dated 1837
Transcription of a report concerning the murder of a child in 1851
Transcription of letters requesting funding for emigration to Quebec 1830 and 1832
Tags: emigration, Preston, Quebec, SVA/11/81
Transcription of advert from British Newspaper
Archives dd 1749 regarding Petty Sessions
Archives dd 1749 regarding Petty Sessions
Tags: 1749, petty sessions, SVA/11/78