Business Invoices, Bills and Receips WJ Howe bill to H Thirkettle Esq 1911Bill Station Road GarageS.Skinner invoice to Mr Green dated 1930Invoice/Bill JC Hitchcock & Son, Grocers, Tea Dealers and Provision Mechants dd 13th May 1937 to Mrs Brundle.London and North East Railway Company invoice to Mr S Skinner, Miller, dd 14th February 1936 to deliver 3 bags of meal.Invoice to S Skinner from Amies the Blacksmith dd 1936Invoice/Bill JC Hitchcock & Son, Grocers, Tea Dealers and Provision Mechants dd 13th May 1937 to Mrs Brundle. 1937Invoice/Bill from Frank Whiteman, butcher, dated 7thAugust 1937 to F Brundle.Bill dd 1938 from Harry Mason , Wheelwright, Painter and DecoratorTwo Hitchock bills to Mr Whatling dd 1944eceipt for repairing a fractured upper denture dd 13th May 1947 to Mr Percy Mason.Skinners invoice with customer list on the rear. Businesses Business Invoices, Bills and ReceipsVillage Shops Village Shops → Business Invoices, Bills and Receips